The first thing I did when I got this assignment was MINDMAPPING!
I came up with several basic idea's
1st: Comatose patient > Dragon (Psychological approach)
2nd: Human > Cyborg > Pixels (Too much technology)
3rd: Human> Shadow transforms (In this case a dancer to a bird)
I went with #1. Then started researching on how the transformation could occur. Should it be psychological means or radiation means?
I started researching about the Radiation means first.
1st: Thermal Evolution by S. Yabushita
2nd:How Evolution Works by Marshall Brain
From these two links I understood much more about radiation. Radiation leads to MUTATION!
Many things can cause Mutations! For example
1. X-rays
2. Cosmic rays
3. Nuclear radiation
4. Cellular chemical reactions.
Thats when I came up with the idea of a COMET. The comet rays would hit a random bystander and he would go comatose! When he wakes up he slowly transforms into a dragon. Apparently comet rays have a lot of radiation properties.
Radioactive rays (from comet) > DNA infected-change in DNA that triggers metamorphosis > Human metamorphosis > Shredding of skin (eg: caterpillar > COCOON > Butterfly)
Prototype 1!
This was the basic sketch of my idea~I then did some research on Dragons (most of the pictures are from DEVIANTART artists)
Dragon head by ~eic
dragon by !Dokuro
Dragon Mage by ~kerembeyit
From these pictures I got a better picture in my head on how my hybrid dragon human should look like~
Prototype 2!
New sketch of composition~But sadly when I showed my idea to Mr Hafiz, he said it was too 'complicated'
He did this little sketch on the side:
It was an idea of a catalyst causing an egg to crack. The transformation of an egg if you will.
An Egg. This got me researching.
All information is from this site:
Egg to Chicken transformation by harishnair86
Look at the metamorphosis!! but what really catches my interest is what is going on in that egg.
New idea!!
New idea, new compostion.This new idea is psychological. It mainly has to do with the effects of bullying.
Because he's a freak at his school, he gets bullied. The stress gets to his head. And inside that head of his, he starts metamorphosing into something fierce, something to protect himself. In the end everyone is afraid of him.
(still sticking to the Dragon idea)
The main keyword here is CORRUPTION
Stress can affect the mind to the point of no return , it can cause delusions, depression and memory loss! Sometimes the stress affects our body in a way that can cause us to BREAK DOWN.
Information is from here
How Stress Affects the Brain by Courtney Ramirez
When I showed this to Mr Hafiz he said the idea was alright but he didn't like the back turning composition. Because of that I came up with 2 other poses!
1. Freak pose
2. Hands covering ears trying to silence their insults.
Emailed these two to le Hafiz and he chose the first one
OKAY time to digitalize it.
Here are some screenshots of the process!
Texture used!
Reptile Skin Texture Pack by =prolificstock
FINAL 4 pieces!!
Being an outcast at his school, being a freak he was always picked on. Others threw names at him until he could not take it anymore. His mind was breaking down from the overdose. So to protect himself, his brain built an egg as a barrier around him. He began to lose touch with reality, when the egg finally hatched a personification of a dragon was born. A dragon is signified as a fearsome menacing creature. In reality, everyone is afraid of what he had become. The background for the last 3 pieces is supposed to be paper.
"When a paper is crumpled up, it can't be perfect again"
Look at how crumpled up it is in the last panel, symbolizing he is already damaged BEYOND repair.
Time taken: 20 hours +
Also the pose remains the same to show the outer transformation. You can see by the expression:
At first the pose looks like he's grabbing his face out of frustration but as he evolved to a dragon he's doing it more to mock the people around him. It's as if saying "You still wanna mess with me?"
The pose being the same was completely intentional.