Thursday, 31 May 2012

Digital Design Assignment 2

For this assignment we are supposed  to create 4 postcards and 4 gif images to go with it. Here's the catch though, we're supposed to create these postcards based on seasons.

Stage 1: Research!

I started researching on the different kind of seasons I could do. Here are some of the seasons I came up with after brainstorming:

1. Badminton Season
2. Durian Season
3. Mangosteen Season
4. Rambutan Season
5. Beach Season
6. Holiday Season
7. Monsoon Season
8. Rainy Season
9. Windy Season
10.  Drought Season
11. Heat Season
12. Kite Season (Wau)

[The bolded ones are the ones I'm planning to use]

Time to go out and find inspiration!!

Drought Season

 Cracks in the earth and cloudless plain sky
 KL in the background at sunset.

 The face on the earth looking tired showing expression.

Kite Season (Wau)
  Designs of the wau that I'm probably going to use

  Inspired me to do this particular type of concept with the gradient of orange and the wavy lines.

Holiday Season (Particularly surfing on the beach- beach sports)

  Tornado of colors behind the surfer
 Vector examples of how the sea in the background should be.
  Water/sea patterns that inspired me
Love this pose! Going to vector this and use it for my holiday postcard!

Mangosteen Season

 A tree growing inside the fruit? Interesting!
Fruit tree!!

First initial sketch!

1. Drought Season (Sun melting while the earth cracks)

2. Holiday Season ( Person surfing on the crystal blue tides- there's a spiral sun and palm trees visible in the background, usually during the holidays we go to the beach)

3. Mangosteen Season  (Droplets flying from the ground forming the shape of a tree, mangosteens are growing amongst them

4. Kite Season ( Many kites are flying above the clouds - Plan to change all these to wau's though)

5. Valentine Season (What is Valentines day all about? mainly chocolates. Thats the best part. Thats why there's a heart shaped chocolate bar surrounded  by smaller round chocolates)

6. Techno Season (Not sure what this really is, I just randomly drew it)

2nd stage sketches! after showing the initial sketches to the lecturers. The basically gave me the idea to make it funny (memorable). The main thing you would think of when someone talks about the said season

 1. Drought (It's so hot even the earth metaphorically feels it. KL is sitting there are the sun boils and melts behind it. Malaysia suffers from heatwaves the most!)

2. Mangosteen (Mangosteens attract hummingbirds! So whenever I think about mangosteens I picture hummingbirds stealing them in my head. Thats where this idea originated)

3. Holiday (Guy is surfing, the water is spreading as he does so. The water is a splash of patterns. Behind him is the spiral sun and palm trees.)

4. Kite/ Wau (This also shows the windy days of Malaysia. Wau season is for the windy days afterall. The tree is swaying in the breeze as a boy flies his kite/wau)


My mistake while doing this project was forgetting to take screenshots of my works in progress although I did remember to take 2. JUST 2.

  I used the illustrator method to "LIVE TRACE" the wau as well as the cracks in the earth mainly because it is MUCH easier and to save time.


 Drought Season

Only an umbrella can cool you down as you walk the streets. See the earth is happy! In the background you can see KL as well as the melting sun.

Patterns: The cracked ground, the patterns on the umbrella and the melted sun.

Behind the postcard:

Just copy and pasted the pattern for the KL background in there as well as added the text "KL being struck by a heart wave (Drought Season) at the back. While browsing a few postcards at a gift store I noticed some of them had this at the back.

Holiday Season

I vectored the picture of the woman surfing (the  one I mentioned above) Patterns are forming around this person as they surf through the crystal blue waters. The sun is spiraling behind him as he does so. Palm trees are in the background. Usually when I think about holidays I imagine beautiful beaches!

Behind the postcard:

More spiral suns decorate the back along with the text "Spending the holidays by having fun at the beach (Holiday Season)

Kite/ Wau Season

This also has a hint of the windy season. The boy is flying many wau's at once as the tree sways in the breeze. The whole theme here is warm colors, to give the picture a sunset kind of feel. I love the idea of playing kites at sunset.

Patterns: The wau's, the trees, the wavy background

Behind the Postcard:

Oops , there seems to be a lost kite on the back! along with the text "Wau kites flying in the strong gust of wind (Wau Season)

Mangosteen Season

A humming bird made out of patterns is carrying (stealing) a mangosteen! There are always a lot of hummingbird fluttering about when the mangosteen comes in season.

Patterns: The whole hummingbird and the top green stem of the mangosteen

Behind the postcard: Mangosteens are even growing on the back of the card! together with the text "Hummingbirds are after the mangosteens! (Mangosteen season)

Last but not least! the gifs!


The sun is melting while the fading in and out of the earth face portrays the metaphor of it.

<-(Please click on the gifs to make them un-pixelated and glitchy D: )


Just to make the sea patterns more striking I showed 2 bubbles moving up and down the canvas. Even the sun is spinning in the background to show the whole playfulness of the holiday mood.

Kite/ Wau

The wau's are flying in the wind as the leaves blow off the trees from the strong wind.


The hummingbird stole the mangosteen D: Again and again!


Thats all for now folks [=

Now I just need to print out the postcards and post them~

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