Sunday, 17 June 2012

Assignment 2: Mirror Mirror on the wall

For this assignment we're supposed to choose either a fairytale, myth, legend or folklore AND illustrate 3 panels from it's storyline. The Setup (Beginning), Confrontation (Middle) and the Resolution (Ending).

Atlantis is a culture that I've been interested in for a LONG time. This was my perfect chance to discover more about its mysteries.

First up is the initial research:-


It's a continent mentioned in many religions/folklores
The philosopher, Plato wrote in his Critias/ Timaeus that he believed that Atlantis was
- Extremely advanced in technology
- A sunken continent approximately the size of Asia and Libya together (5-10 million square km)
- Destroyed and lost by a rush of ocean
- Atlantis was located in the Atlantic ocean (Thats why it's called such today - because of the Atlantean theory)

Signatures of the Atlantean culture (Believed to be left behind/helped by Atlanteans)

"Monoliths" in the Easter Islands

 Pyramids in Egypt

The Bible described Atlantis as the "Great Flood". Atlantis may have been the true "Garden of Eden". Also some scientists believe that Atlantis sank because of a great "Ice Age"

Where they "believed" Atlantis to be located before it sank

Information taken from:,%20The%20Lost

How Atlantis descended from the pure white peak of spiritual life to the muddy depths of degradation
 Taken from: Web of Light by Diana Cooper

-Loved nature (planted according to the moon at the appropriate time for each plant)
-COMMUNICATED with plants (placed specifically programmed crystals among them)
-Played music and studied their divine properties
-Herbs contained a geometric structure- seek out some geometric structure in the body if eaten (Heal and regenerate hurt/infected area)
Consciousness lowered

-No longer honored nature
-Cut down trees and polluted water/air

"We are one, to contradict nature is to harm your own body"

-People with kindness/wisdom were respected for their genuine connection with the angelic and elemental kingdoms
-Worshiped nature, created stone circles at sacred power points (frequently over streams)
- Rocks with special characteristics/ healing powers

Spiritual energy decreased
-worshiped indoors (elaborate temples)
- Priests claimed power over people FALSELY
-Superstition increased
- Highly trained Magi (Magician) had vast OCCULT power (used to frighten and control people)
- Huge wave of NEGATIVITY flowed around the continent

Social and Family Life
-Family life was nurtured and respected
-Families sang and danced together
-Had many pets (considered part of the household)
-Days were spent communing with nature and telling stories
-Loved to spend time in the countryside
-Communicating telepathically to other dimensions
-Sought beauty and created it around them
-No criminals

Gradually more people turned to crime
-Criminal was anesthetized by magnetism and combined with the use of crystal rays, blood was sent to the brain causing this behavior:
Healers: Raise criminals consciousness by TELEPATHICALLY programming his beliefs
-Army became INHUMAN and MERCILESS.
-Before attacking a country the commanders used black magic techniques over the people they wanted to conquer. 
-Extraordinary weapons and technology
-Unstoppable empire

-Kings ruled with wisdom and genuine desire to serve
-They took decisions and used their power for the highest good and in return the citizens gave them LIGHT

Purity diminished
-Kings sacrificed animals before meetings
-Drank wine mixed with animals blood and rum
-Tried to control the people
- Feared AND HATED
-Turned people into slaves/soldiers by placing conditioning boxes (charmed) and remotely controlling them

-All people were VEGETARIAN
-Animals worked with the people, trusted and helped them

Killed animals (Drank their blood, gory bullfights, horse/elephant racing
Controlled animals with fear/trained them to attack the enemy

The Universe
-People were spiritual and psychic
-Communicated with angels , elementals and extraterrestrials
Kept PORTALS to other GALAXIES and stars open (different dimensions)

Frequency of the people diminished
-Psychic and spiritual powers are no more
-No more portals
- Earth became isolated, resisting and fearing help from those they termed "Aliens"

-Children were thought in a relaxed way for the highest good
Memory, ARTISTIC ability and creativity were developed

Energy lowered
-Children were thought to read and write (study astronomy and mathematics)
-Right-brain connection to the spirit gradually closed down.


Dress- Plain robe (adored only for spiritual enhancement)
Personal appearance became more important (elaborate clothing with flamboyant/intricate jewellery)

Buildings- Natural ( elegant lines and built harmoniously with sacred geometry)
Complicated, inlaid with gems

Need- People accepted that they had all they needed
sought knowledge (technology replaced spirituality) Too much of everything and misused it

The crystal power and energies in Atlantis

-Crystals were used as a power manipulator
-According to modern Hindu sages and leers, the Lama claimed that the Atlanteans used the knowledge of the crystal refraction, amplification and storage of energy. Used for GROWING and HEALING
- These crystals have the ability to transfer energy, to retain it, to maintain its intensity, to focus and transmit it over a great distance.
-Believed that their technology is STILL available in the earth plane and IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS.

 This energy in the later era was MISUSED to such a degree that it led to the destruction of Atlantis.

Arkensan: The Atlantean crystal awakening and the fall of Atlantis. 
 Taken from:

- In Atlantis, the crystals were kept and used in the Temple of Healing, Sound, Regeneration and knowledge.
-Covered in a dome of crystaline amplified light somewhat like a glowing forcefield (of various colors/glowed in day and night). The major cities had crystaline above them.
-One of the races of the Atlanteans (the Aryans became corrupt and utilized Atlantis's crystal technology for the control of the world (Weaponry, used for genetic science and development and reiteration of an inferior face to serve as workers and soldiers.

Weaponry- Energy from the crystals sent destructive beams to initiate volcanic eruptions and massive earthquakes against nations that refused their demands.

BEFORE FURTHER MISUSE of the crystals the more spiritual leaders of Atlantis HID/ relocated some of the crystals in 5 islands and along specific relay routes of the underground labyrinth system.

  1. Atlantean crystal fields of Arkansas (3 Primary crystals)
  2. Underground crystal farms of Brazil (Bahia and Mineas Gerais) (2 Primary crystals)
  3. Underground chasm below  mount Shasta (1 Primary crystal)
  4. Sargasso Sea, deep below the Bemini bank (Great fire crystal)
  5. Below the area of Tiajuanaco, Bolivia- near Lake Titicaca (2 secondary crystal

These hidden crystals are believed to be re-energized in this and the next century.
-When put together the Atlantean crystals open the etheric gate, the dimension portals that will allow mankind  TO INTERFACE with spirits and beings from other dimensions.
AKA: The Rebirth of Atlantis. 

The Atlantean power crystal
Taken from:

Atlanteans - original discoverers of the quartz crystal (unique electrical properties and be able to harness energy)
-Crystals can heal aura (through the healing of aura-healing of the physical body could occur. CHAKRA SYSTEM)

Other artists interpretations of Atlantis's crystal temples.

Atlantean Crystals
Taken from:

 Atlantean Seed Crystals

Triangular prism crystals

Spiral Prism Crystal
-Sacred geometry-Makes your consciousness "Frozen in Time"

 Love star crystal

Okay, now moving on!


  Basic Summary

Atlantis had amazing crystal power
-they used it with purity at first (Were one with nature)
-but soon they became corrupt with power and used black magic (volcano's, eruptions, earthquakes)
-the negativity broke the crystals and caused Atlantis to SINK
-the more spiritual leaders hid some crystals in 5 locations
-one day Atlantis will rise again

Layouts to choose from

Graphic Novel style

Picture Book Illustration:

Features artist: Daniel Egneus


After considering all this and the long storyline I had. I decided to go with the Graphic Novel style.

I came up with a draft of the storyboard:

Very unclear (since it was taken with my phone camera)
Here's the closeup:

Changing the stories "Historical concept"

Main Character: Gale

As a child he witnessed the collapse of Atlantis. He was a citizen there. Everything was pure, energy came from the crystals but then the Atlanteans used it for evil means. The crystal then blew up, bringing Atlantis down to the depths of the Ocean. As the crystals was beginning to break Gale grabbed one of the  crystals- when Atlantis sunk down there was an interaction with his body (combined with the DNA inside of him). He was the others swimming away (5)

This is how Gale is supposed to look like (I drew this by the way)

I added more detail to my story and edited the pages:

Updated Version of the storyline:

Setup:  Starts off with Gale entering a dark gloomy city (for example: Gotham City) in the dark Gale is the only light amongst the shadows. There's a construction site nearby and something snaps sending a heavy load hurling towards two children playing. Gale (telepathically) asks it to stop-and it does (in the palm of his hand). The children follow him (because children are attracted to pure energy) and he then sits on a rock and starts answering all their questions which leads to him telling them about his origins- aka Atlantis.

Confrontation: Gale tells about his childhood where Atlantis was a pure and divine city. Atlantis is a city floating in the sky, the crystal power helps it levitate. It ran on crystal power- that gave them powers beyond imagine. In Atlantis's golden years they treasured the crystal power and loved everything around them, But then corruption stepped in, they used the crystals to destroy rather than create. They used it to manipulate others. The crystal power failed to all the negative energy.

Resolution: Atlantis hurled into the ocean but Gale managed to grab one of the crystals before Atlantis hit the sea. The crystal begun to interact with his body and DNA. The crystal combined with his cells and he screamed in pain . He watched Atlantis sink, but he also saw 4 others swimming away. While all this was happening he had the fleeting thought that if the 5 crystal Atlanteans were to come together Atlantis would once again rise to its former glory. He resurfaced and saw the dark city near the seashore. He then knew it was his duty to help mankind.

My depiction on how Atlantis looked like (hovering amongst the clouds)

Just a rough sketch.

The style that inspired me:

Final Fantasy


Their amazing graphics, incredible storyline and the journey to a world of fantasy inspired me to no end. Every single detail in this franchise was well thought of


Scientists believe that the Atlantians helped in the building of the great pyramids. I believe, the egyptians and atlanteans worked hand in hand. Egypt doesn't lack in creativity when it comes to their hieroglyphics, clothing, buildings and craftsmanship.

After showing the idea to the lecturer

Mr Hafiz told me that doing a Triptych would suit my storyline better. He also said that it was really hard to do an 'epic' graphic novel but on the other hand with my Atlantis storyline, it would be 'epic ' as a triptych.

The more that I thought about it, I realized he was right.

I cancelled my previous idea to create a graphic novel and decided to do a triptych instead.

Initial triptych idea:

 The main theme here is how the mood of Atlantis changes over time. The golden era/ the corruption era/ The dead era. I thought of symbolizing this through eyes.

Draft of middle (main) page :

Compilation of the most important in Atlantis. The crystals giving the people wisdom/ interaction between worlds/togetherness. Since Gale was never affected by the corruption, I drew protective hands and a crystal purifying his being. The eyes show purity and love (the ones at the far left and right).

Draft of the end page:

  Just the metamorphosis of Gale turning into his crystal form. Haven't developed much on this.

I also thought of names for my Triptych

  1. Tears of Atlantis
  2. Beyond Atlantis
  3. Embers of Atlantis
  4. Atlantis Discovered
  5. World of Truth
  6. Depths of Atlantis
The one that I thought had the most impact was "Atlantis Discovered"


Since I do not know the language or the writing/alphabet they used in Atlantis. I made my very own depiction of it:

Time for Gale's character sheet
Quick sketch:

It was too quick and my anatomy and proportions were off. I didnt even like the clothing design much

After much deliberation AND TIME taken, I created a digital version.

Gale: Normal version

Gale: Crystal Form.

Mr Hafiz told me it would be cool for the character to spin 360 degrees. So using the animation on photoshop I created 2 small gifs~

He also wanted some color boards to set the mood and ambiance of the story. I came up with 3 different settings of Atlantis.

Triptych's tryouts!

 First part: The scientists putting the 5 crystals together and Gale rises up from the final crystal and tells them his tale of Atlantis.

He tells them of the beauty, wisdom and love of Atlantis

Second part: And then corruption stepped in, due to one bad seed. They used black magic and created deadly weapons and caused natural disasters.

 Third part: Atlantis sinks down to the depths of the ocean. Since Gale was never affected by the corruption, the crystals "chose" him. The crystals penetrated his skin and changed his very DNA. he was the one they chose to one day be the 'savior'

I decided I wanted a cover to go along with my story. The ideal cover (to me) would be a picture of the hybrid between normal Gale and crystal Gale holding the crystal.

I began sketching!

Basic Draft
Chosen sketch

Rough draft of the narrative (typography) that's going to be in my triptych (This is all first person narration by my main character, Gale):

First page: 5 crystals were found hiding in the depths of their world. Upon piecing them together they "found" me. I materialized in front of the earth dwellers and began to tell them my story.

Second page: Once there was a city that hovered amongst the clouds. A pure city where hatred ceased to exist. Atlantis. They could do remarkable things. All their wisdom came from the crystals. They could even talk to beings from other frequencies.

Third page: Bur soon it all became corrupt. The city turned blood red as many weapons came to be. They even controlled the natural disasters and controlled minds. The whole city begun to crack.

Fourth page: Atlantis fell out of the sky and hurled towards the ocean. I was never affected by their corrupt energy, the crystals sensed this and were drawn to my pure energy. The crystals melted into my skin as 4 more chunks of crystals drifted away with sea. I arose and glanced to your world. One thing was for certain, I couldn't let history repeat itself.

Time to construct the final piece!


Cover page screenshots:-

First page screenshots:

Middle page screenshots:

 Third page screenshots:

 From here on I kinda forgot to take screenshots.... especially for the last page D: whoopsie.

ANYWAY here is the FINAL:

 The outcome and criteria's I needed to fulfill:

  • The 3 main scenes: 
  1. The setup is how Gale arises and tells about the beauty of atlantis
  2. The confrontation is how the city turns bad
  3. The resolution is how the city has drowned and killed off the last of the Atlantean race- accept one
  • Creative usage of text:
  1. I created my OWN unique alphabet for the Atlantean language and incorporated it inside my triptych. Im considering the Atlantean language IS considered text.
Thanks for reading !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Komal,

    You were right about the post being long! But very detailed - very good! I am looking forward to the printed copy.

